Tuesday, August 19, 2014

WHO Monday! (On Tuesday...)

I'm a day late, but I definitely wanted to participate in Teacher Week 2014 on Blog Hoppin'!  I will catch up throughout the week!

As you know, I am Lauren Patricia, and I am 29 years old.  I grew up and live in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio.

 Here are 10 facts about me!

1.         I have two Boston Terrier rescues who I love beyond words and will talk about WAY too much.   Their names are Roxy and Ozzy.  Roxy’s had a rough summer and needed to have her eye removed!  She is doing AMAZING with only one eye and has had no trouble keeping up with her brother.  Ozzy is my crazy boy and such a lover.  I feel so lucky to have two happy little faces greet me whenever I come home.

2.        My sister, Megan, is four years younger than me and is one of my best friends.  We fought like crazy when we were younger, but I am so glad I have someone who has experienced life with me.  It’s also super awesome to see her find herself and a career that she loves.

3.        I didn’t always want to be a teacher. Crazy, right?  I was adamantly against becoming a teacher.  I have no idea why, but it was not going to happen.  I graduated college with degrees in Criminal Justice, Sociology, and Psychology, worked for a year and realized I was in the wrong profession.  I went back to school and earned my teaching license in two years.  I was born to teach and have never been more positive of anything in my life.  It just took me a while to realize what I was meant to do. 

4.        This will be my third year teaching.  I haven’t had my own classroom yet, and I can’t wait until I do, but I am loving the positions that I have gotten in the meantime.  My first year teaching, I was a Kindergarten Tutor.  I loved working with Kindergarteners and am always AMAZED at how much they learn in ONE year!  They are sponges – and I love it!  The next year, I worked as an ESL assistant.  I have really enjoyed this role and am learning so much and gaining experience in Kindergarten – Third Grade.  I am excited to have the same position this year.

5.        This past year I was really sick and missed almost half of the school year.  I am doing so much better now and am ready to get back to my life.  It’s cliché, but you never realize what you have until it’s gone. 

6.        I love watching Dateline, 48 Hours, and Unsolved Mysteries.  I hear Keith Morrison’s voice and can’t wait for the mystery to begin!

7.        My grandpa was my best friend.  He passed away almost eight years ago.  I still pick up the phone to call him all the time.  I wear a bracelet on my wrist everyday that he ordered for me before he passed away.  He was a Detective and the bracelet has a miniature police badge with his badge number (707) on it and a message he wrote.  I rarely take it off.

8.        I am a bit of a nerd.  I love to read and love history.  I collect Abraham Lincoln books, figurines, pictures, boxes, anything about Lincoln.  This has been my obsession since sixth grade when we had a speaker who dressed like Lincoln come in and speak to our class.  One of my favorite things to teach is American Symbols because I feel like my passion for history and teaching all comes together.

9.        While I was student teaching I used to “rehearse” some of my lessons – I still do!  I like knowing where I would like to be (near the chalkboard, by a certain student, near the table, etc.) while I’m teaching.  Then when I’m teaching, I am familiar with what I want to say and I am able to concentrate on any questions, comments, issues that might arise.  I’m sure it’s pretty funny to walk in on me “rehearsing” with no students!

10.      My favorite children’s book is Purple, Green, and Yellow by Robert Munsch.  I mean who wouldn’t want to color themselves with “super-indelible-never-comes-off-till-you’re-dead-and-maybe-not-even-then” markers?! In fact, I love ALL of Robert Munsch’s books! 

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments and I'll be happy to answer them!

Here's the rest of the schedule for the week!  I'm hoping to add Where and Why tomorrow! 

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1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I hope you are doing well! I nominated you for the Liebster New Blog award. Here's a link to my post where you can learn how to accept!


